Released Date
September 1, 2024
Due Date
October 1, 2024
The National Honey Board
Issuer Type
Research Institute
RFP Source
NHB website
# of RFP Document
Has Addendum

Managed honey bees in North America continue to be under increasing pressure to meet pollination demands for our food supply and from a variety of stressors that affect honey production. At the same time, annual colony losses have increased and reached 48.2% in the US in 2022, and the natural forage which gives bees healthy nutrition and a honey crop for producers is decreasing. Colony losses are often attributed to pathogens, parasites, pesticides, hive management (queen mating, genetics, maintenance), climate, and available nutrition. United States honey production in 2023 from producers with five or more colonies totaled 139 million pounds. Sustainable beekeeping is dependent on maximizing outputs (colony health, colony numbers, pollination contracts, honey production, profitability) while minimizing the inputs (time, money, personnel, treatments). A sustainable beekeeping industry contributes to a more sustainable agricultural landscape through honey production and a stable supply of bees for crop pollination. Therefore, Project Apis m. (PAm) is requesting research proposals that focus on enhancing the health, survival, and productivity of honey bee colonies, which provide practical and tangible solutions to the beekeeping industry.