Location: Illinois

Data Center Consultant

The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) is requesting a proposal for a consultant to provide a comprehensive analysis on…

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Travel Data Marketing Company

The objective of this RFP is to identify a marketing company that can provide access to comprehensive and up-to-date group…

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Waukegan Public Library Website Redesign

WPL is seeking proposals for the redesign and development of our current website, www.waukeganpl.org . Our aim is to create…

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Chicago Wheelchair Accessible Taxicabs

The Chicago’s Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the City of…

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Professional Design, Engineering, and Consulting Services

The Authority seeks to retain firms to provide various professional Services on an as needed, Task Order, basis for all…

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Web-Based Program Management Controls Systems

The Tollway is soliciting information respective to a Web-Based Program Management Controls System (WBPMCS) to continue the management of construction,…

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